Several things to report:
- We have our state incorporation paperwork and will now file with the attorney general’s office. That will complete our state requirements and we will then submit our 501c3 application.
- For our current online streaming programming, we now have the legal call letters: WQNA-DB.
- We are also very happy to state that we have just begun conversations with the entity that has the local FM license we would like to acquire to fully implement our plan to bring community radio back to life (and even better than before). Of course, this discussion is the in the earliest phases but we remain optimistic in our quest to resume broadcasting on the FM dial.
- We will get a fundraising total out soon encompassing monies raised here, from events, and from the donation jars.
- Fundraising events are happening 2/28 at the Alamo (rescheduled from the cancelation due to weather January) and 3/13 at the Springfield Motor Boat club. For full details on these events, visit sbcradio.org.
Thank you for your continued support!